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20.03.2023 | Publication

The effects of gender and previous prison sentence on the risk of committing crime among a substance-abusing population

Julkaisun nimi:

The effects of gender and previous prison sentence on the risk of committing crime among a substance-abusing population


Kaskela, T. Pitkänen, T.


The results suggest that women with prior convictions differ profoundly from other substance-abusing women.







Julkaisun tiedot:

Crime and delinquency, 64 (6), 703-722.

Lyhyt kuvaus:

Is the gender gap theory in criminology valid for substance abusers who have been imprisoned?

We analyzed the risk of committing a crime between 2006 and 2010 using a Cox regression analysis. The data from Finland consisted of 2,034 women and 4,537 men substance abusers divided into groups based on prior imprisonment.

Overall, men had a greater risk of committing any crime than women did. However, the gender gap hypothesis was not valid in the specific case of property crimes in a substance-abusing population with prior incarcerations. Women with prior convictions differ profoundly from other substance-abusing women. This raises a question if imprisonment had a wider marginalizing effect on women than on men.

Keywords: genderprison sentencecriminalitysubstance abuseCox regression

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