Research in the spirit of conviviality. Expanding the boundaries of participation
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Research in the spirit of conviviality. Expanding the boundaries of participation
Hanninen, E.
Diaconal concepts of conviviality and child theology served as useful Christian concepts for the description of the secular project, whereas the concepts of original blessing and the sins may assist in depicting addiction from a complementary angle.
Ammattikorkeakoulun opinnäytetyö
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Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Degree Programme in Social Services Bachelor of Social Services (UAP) & Qualification for the office of diaconal work in the Church of Finland.
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Purpose of the thesis report is to translate the research process carried through in a secular setting into a diaconal context and language. Thesis report discusses and draws together three different pieces of work from the context of Project OK. Purpose of the research conducted within Project OK was to evaluate a development project funded by the European Social Fund, from the service-user perspective. Evaluation was conducted by the method of co-research.
Diaconal concepts of conviviality and child theology described perfectly the secular Project OK. The thesis report informs that the convivial approach to research may be useful in developing health and social care services, in this example the service of opioid substitution treatment. Such a conclusion indicates more general further possibilities of structural deacon work.
Keywords: secular, conviviality, participation, methodology, research methods
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